Friday, September 12, 2008

Taipei Airport

Free Internet Access at airports is the bestest!!! We have 3 hours to kill while we wait for our transfer flight from Taipei to Chiang Mai. I'm glad that the Taipei airport is nice and clean, and since it's about 7 a.m. in the morning, it's dead quiet.

Here are some journal entries during my plane ride and some pictures.

Journal Entry #1
Friday, Sept. 12 - 12:46 PM (PST) or Saturday, Sept. 13 2:47 AM (Bangkok)

I'm still in the plane on the way to Taipei. We departed at 1 a.m. PST from LAX. This seems like the longest flight ever, but they all do. I want nothing more that to brush my teeth, wash my face, apply moisturizer and jump in my own bed and we haven't even landed yet.

I spied a few other Friendly Planet travelers while at LAX. So far it looks like there's another married couple in their 30s with a female friend, two gay couples (individual couples), an older couple in their 50s or 60s, and another couple whose relation to each other I'm unsure of. I'm sure I'll have names for these people sooner than later.

R and I waiting at the LA Airport.

Suzanne and Russ, our travel buddies :)

Bored to death in the plane.

Journal Entry #2
Sept. 12 - 2:03 PM (PST) or Sept. 13 - 4:03 AM (Bangkok)

We're starting to descend. Whoohooo!!! The flight attendants speak so quickly in their not-so-perfect English, but not-so-heavy Asian/Chinese accent that is makes me nervous. One attendant just came through the aisle saying, " Please fasten seat belt. We're experiencing turbulence." Her actions followed by the Chinese translation over the load speaker makes me feel like we're about to crash. And they just dimmed the lights...

Update to Journal Entry #2: Lost in Translation (I'm sure one of many to come)

Why do they have to use the flight attendant with the worst accent to state the landing instructions over the intercom. She sounds something like this:

"Wradies and'ah gentlemen. We ar'most'ah land (or rand)...p'rease fast'en seat-ah'belt...."

My toes are experiencing that tingeling/numb sensation. I can't wait to stretch!

Journal Entry #3
Sept. 13 - 5:48 AM Taipei/4:48 AM Bangkok

We are now in Taipei for a four-hour stop over. I get to brush my teeth and wash my face, and have a real snack.

Russ and Ritche's first order of business...

I love how it looks like a disco.

Taipei does "green."

I love these kinds of notices. What do you think this one means? Don't inject your baby?!

Real coffee and a real muffin.

People Mover, backwards style.

Suzanne in her stretchy pants, stretching.

1 comment:

LeeAnn said...

How fun! I'm glad you're documenting your trip on this blog! Love it!!